Tumbleweed Tales

Here is where you can see what we are up to after our move from Germany to Abilene Texas.

Friday, September 29, 2006

The Joys of Home Ownership

1. Push garage door opener button.
2. Door opens 1 foot then stops.
3. Close garage door
4. Push garage door opener button again.
5. Door opens 1 foot then stops....$(*%

Go in side and walk into the garage. Look above door, see spring in two pieces...#@($ Monday afternoon we'll be the proud owners of a new garage door spring. Thank god it's not the whole door. And what good is a #@$(*& home warranty, if it DOESN'T COVER THE DAMN HOME?!?!?!

This message has been approved by me.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I liked Jo's name, even though we don't have tubmle weeds :)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Same Great Blog, Just a New Name

I have desided to rename the blog since we are now in Texas but alass nothing seems to jump out and grab might for a title...SO... I was wonder if you all have any ideas for the name of the blog. My ability to come up with something catchy has run dry. I am open to sugestions and ideas.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Progress is good

We have been in the house now for about a month and thing are slowly working there way into a home. The garage is just about done and we can get the beetle in. We have a few boxes left in the house to unpack and then it time to organize and put things away and have a garage sale.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Boxes, boxes and more boxes

We have gotten all of our stuff now and it is now time to put it ALL away. There are still a few boxes left in the house and then it is onto the garage and cleaning it up so we can get the cars back in. Michelle's room and the computer room are all unpacked out of the boxes. Now we just have to get it put up. I am begining to think the harder we try to get everything put away the more of a mess we seem to be making. We are going to have a garage sale once everything is unpacked.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

3 days left

We have 3 days left until we close on the house. As of June 13th 9:30am we will be signing the papers for our very first house. I am getting REALLY REALLY excited and I'm sure Brian is too. I know Pudgy (the dog) is looking forward to having a yard to play in again. Michelle will have plenty on new things to expore and check out. Brian will have a garage to tinker in until we get the shed built. The only downside is the movers who packed our stuff in Germany did NOT mark which room all of the boxes go in. All I can remember is that anything in red goes in the computer room and the garage.

Oh well looks like we'll have fun opening and unpacking boxes.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Yay it's ours

Well the seller acepted our offer. Yay! We won't be able to close until June 14th since that's when they will be able to get out. We are goign to have the inspection this Friday at 11:30.

Our realtor checked with the other one and she believes that they are taking the fridge so we went ahead and put a fridge as well as a washer and dryer in layaway at the BX. They were having grand opening sales and all whirlpool 10% off and also had individual 10% cupons. So we ended up getting almost $130 off the fridge and $35 off each the washer and dryer. I'm so glad that they actually have layaway here since it's not like we could put them anywhere.

I guess I'm going to have to go to work now :( Oh well

Michelle has been pretty good lately. She hasn't been complaining to much about the heat. It's been pretty cool today and windy. She's started grabing onto things and pulling her self up so she can stand. I don't think it will be to long before she'll start walking.