Tumbleweed Tales

Here is where you can see what we are up to after our move from Germany to Abilene Texas.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Boxes, boxes and more boxes

We have gotten all of our stuff now and it is now time to put it ALL away. There are still a few boxes left in the house and then it is onto the garage and cleaning it up so we can get the cars back in. Michelle's room and the computer room are all unpacked out of the boxes. Now we just have to get it put up. I am begining to think the harder we try to get everything put away the more of a mess we seem to be making. We are going to have a garage sale once everything is unpacked.


Blogger Sally said...

So glad to hear that things are moving along! It is sure a chore, getting things arranged and put away after a move, but it sounds like you all are doing a great job!

7:57 AM  

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